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Leviathan Raid Guide

by Arm's Raid Group



There are four doors in the area each with a corresponding symbol (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun) There are three battle standard flags that need to be retrieved and placed on the plate in front of whichever corresponding door that needs to be opened The group should split into two teams, one to gather the battle standard flags and the other to defend the plate The one group needs to locate the corresponding door for the next encounter and eliminate all enemies around it. A "Standard Bearer" will enter the area and they need to neutralize him to retrieve the battle standard flag Once the group retrieves a battle standard flag they need to return it to the plate in front of whichever corresponding door that needs to be opened for that encounter The group defending the plates should neutralize any "Standard Liberators" who will try to recover the battle standard flags. They will be guarded by "Loyalty Councilors" and will be immune to all damage unless the Loyalty Councilor is killed A "Force of Will" damage buff is available (for a short period of time) while standing on the base plate in front of each door after the group returns a battle standard flag Once all three battle standard flags have been retrieved and returned to the plate the door will open to the next encounter

Prestige mode – Enemies are tougher and revive tokens are lost on death!

Royal Pools

There are four bath areas each with a corresponding symbol (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun), as well as one additional plate in the centre of the room Standing on all five plates simultaneously will start the encounter. Once activated the chains in front of each plate will slowly begin to lower Standing on a plate will grant the "Psionic Protection" buff (refreshed at the centre plate), that starts at x50 and counts down while protecting players from the bath’s liquid The team will need to rotate players between each plate as they refresh their Psionic Protection buff "Ceremonial Bather" enemies will periodically spawn directly in front of each plate and need to be neutralized The chains will lock in place once the white straps reach the top of the gold gears After all chains are locked the team must return to the centre plate to receive the Force of Will damage buff and begin destroying the Censers canisters More Ceremonial Bather enemies will spawn in the centre room and attack players on the centre plate After the Force of Will buff has ended a Sol Councilor will spawn on the centre plate before the next cycle begins and will need to be neutralized The encounter ends once all Censers have been destroyed

Prestige mode – After each damage phase the “Burden of Worthiness” debuff will randomly assign four players each to a specific plate (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun). Ceremonial Bather’s will now be “Oiled”, once killed their oil will consume player’s Psionic Protection if they stand in it! CHALLENGE MODE – One player must remain standing in the centre pool area throughout the entire encounter!

Pleasure Gardens

The encounter begins once all the enemies have been eliminated and both prisms are retrieved The team should split into one group of four (pollen runners) and one group of two (prism lookouts) The pollen runners need to retrieve the "Royal Pollen" from inside the safe room beneath the statue of Calus The prism lookouts need to guide the pollen runners to the spore locations while they avoid detection from the royal beasts (there are 6 royal beasts and 8 spore locations in the garden) Once a spore is located, one of the prism lookouts will need to stand in a beam of light and shoot the spore with their prism to give the pollen runners the "Empowering Spores" damage buff After a prism lookout activates a spore two "Beast Handlers" will spawn from the doors along the outer edge of the garden (one on each side) The higher the Empowering Spores damage buff (x24, x36, x48, x60 etc…) that the pollen runners have, the more damage they will do to each royal beast If any player is detected the royal beasts will return to their spores and begin a psionic howl that will wipe the team unless they eliminate all six royal beasts or take shelter back inside the safe room (which can only be used three times) All six royal beasts must be neutralized to complete the encounter

Prestige mode – There are two additional royal beasts for a total of eight! CHALLENGE MODE – Each prism lookout can only activate one flower per cycle!

The Gauntlet

The room consists of four sections (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun) In each area a large platform with the corresponding symbol on top will need to be lowered to begin the encounter Enemies will spawn along the outer edges of each section and will need to be neutralized before four Imperial Centurions will spawn in and attack Two “Psionic Charges” will appear along the outer wall in the Beast and the Chalice sections, the players who retrieve them will be teleported inside the Gauntlet The four outside players must remain on the platforms to unlock the columns and arrows in each area Inside the Gauntlet within each section the runners will see three columns each with green circles One circle will be red containing an additional Psionic Charge for the runners as well as indicating which two arrows the outside team need to activate so the runners can move onto the next area When a runner passes through the columns in each section a Sol Councilor will spawn directly in front of the corresponding plate As the runners rotate through each area they need to collect the Psionic Charges before being teleported back inside to deposit them at the central well After three rotations, six Psionic Charges will spawn around the central well. Every player must retrieve a Psionic Charge that will then teleport them inside the Gauntlet The columns in section will only contain four Psionic Charges so the team will need to divide them up for all six players to survive Once the group completes a full rotation they will be teleported back inside to deposit their Psionic Charges in the central well At least four charges must be deposited in the central well after the entire team runs the Gauntlet to complete the encounter

Prestige mode – After a runner completes a cycle they will receive the “Proven Worthy” debuff preventing them from running the Gauntlet again. An additional Psionic Projection will spawn after the runners move through each section. When the entire team runs the Gauntlet, only three Psionic Charges will spawn in each section! CHALLENGE MODE – Players cannot touch the same plate more than once!


Shooting the cup out of Calus’s hand will start the final encounter Enemies will spawn from the left and right sides of the Throne room as well as the middle door directly below Calus Once all enemies in the Throne room are neutralized Calus will clap his hands and teleport the entire group inside the “Mind’s Eye” Three players must remain inside the Mind’s Eye and three players must return to the Throne room through the floating orbs In the Mind’s Eye Calus’s head will begin to pull players towards him however, a small barrier will appear on the ground preventing players from being pulled forward Three of four possible symbols (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun), will appear on Calus’s forehead Each of the three players inside the Mind’s Eye will see a different symbol and need to communicate which symbol is not present for the Throne room group After the symbols appear on Calus’s forehead in the Mind’s Eye, two Psionic Projections will spawn in on the left and right sides as well as three additional Psions Inside the Throne room are four plates (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun), each with a Sol Councilor. The throne room group must then kill whichever Sol Councilor is standing on the platform that was not spotted by the Mind’s Eye group In the Throne room, Calus will summon additional enemies and Imperial Incendior’s. He will also attack the team with his forehead laser beam and bomb attack Once the Mind’s Eye group have completed four waves Calus will begin to shoot skulls at them, destroying skulls grants the Force of Will damage buff Calus will summon a shield attack in the Throne room while the Mind’s Eye team is destroying skulls however, when Calus’s shield is neutralized the skulls stop spawning. The Mind’s Eye team can then return to the Throne room through the floating orbs To utilize the Force of Will damage buff the whole team must stand on one platform (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun), at a time before rotating to avoid Calus’s bomb attack The cycle repeats and the encounter ends when Calus is defeated

Prestige mode – When a player in the Throne room kills a Councilor, they will be teleported inside the Mind’s Eye and one of the players in the Mind’s Eye will be teleported back outside to the Throne room! CHALLENGE MODE – All four plates (the Axes, the Beast, the Chalice and the Sun) must be activated at the same time per damage phase!