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by Arm's Raid Group

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Crota's End

He waits in the dark below.

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Root of Nightmares

A sinister threat has taken root.

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Vow of the Disciple

The disciple beckons...

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King's Fall

Long live the King.

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Vault of Glass

Beneath Venus, evil stirs.

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Deep Stone Crypt

The chains of legacy must be broken.

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Garden of Salvation

The Garden calls out to you.

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Last Wish

The opportunity of a lifetime.

Sunset Raids

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Crown of Sorrow

Grow Weak with Pride

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Scourge of the Past

Beneath the ruins of the Last City lies the Black Armory's most precious vault, now under siege by Siviks and his crew, the Kell's Scourge.

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Spire of Stars

On the wings of Icarus.

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Eater of Worlds

In the belly of the beast.

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Grow fat from strength.